Thursday, September 17, 2009

Rilynn at 3

I feel bad I didn't get all of Rilynn's favorites/accomplishments posted on her birthday post, so here they are
Favorite movie-Little Mermaid and Toy Story
Favorite color-pink (ahhh, I love girls!)
Favorite food-green beans, spaghetti, yogurt, bananas, she is my best eater, she always likes any dinner-she's my favorite!
Favorite song-She loves to sing and knows the words to so many songs, but her faves are "If you chance to meet a frown," and "Twinkle Twinkle" but most of all she LOVES to make up her own songs especially in the morning time, about what ever she maybe doing at the time
Favorite book- honestly ANYTHING you'll read to her.
Rilynn's Occupation when she grown up- I'm sure a boss of something...she is sooo bossy!
Best friend-I asked her if it was me and she said, "NO! It's Ethan!"
Favorite toy-I would probably say her babies right now, but she loves guitars, loves to play outside, and barbies (but she just carries them around and doesn't really ever play with them?!)
She counts really good...she only misses 14 on the way to 20 and then can get much higher with little help. She has known her ABC's for a year, but LOVES to sing them, she loves flip flops and she loves to color, paint her nails, try on shoes, and she loves to drag Cooper everywhere-no literally DRAG, by his arm-Thank heavens for sturdy arm sockets! And she now likes to "help Cooper stand and walk" ohhh, it's scary...typically she picks him up under one arm and around the neck...(I guess,) I hope for his sake (and safety) he starts to walk soon.
Ahhh, I love this girl. There is just something special and different about the way a mom feels about a daughter and I'm sooo grateful I get to experience it! Love you Ri!


sharon said...

Okay I have tried 3 times to write and say, "Rilynn you are the girliest, sweetest three old I know. Grandma loves her girl!!" Cute pictures and oh how she has grown!! I miss you all !!

Shellee said...

SHe looks like a little Brianne. I hope you guys are liking Cali. I can't believe how fay time goes and that you have 4 kids. I still feel like we are teenagers running to get the back seat on the bus on our drill team trips. DAng that was fun but kids are fun too.

Shellee said...

Thanks for the comment. I love ohio. The summers can be really humid but this summer was really nice. I hope it doesn't mean are winter will be freezing because it gets really cold here. Chris's family is no longer in CA. We are applying to grad school out in the west. Chris is a writer and is applying to MFA programs in creative writing out west so he could also try and be a seminary/institute teacher full time and write on the side. SO we kind of have to go out west where the mormons are. I am really excited because we have friends and family everywhere we are applying. We might end up in Boise for school. good to hear you lie Ca and are doing well.