Super Cooper (Paxton's name for him) is now 7 months here is a glimpse into his life.
1. He is sitting up good, but doesn't catch himself when he starts to tip.
2. He loves to wave at people, but is easily distracted by how tricky that little hand is and then he proceeds to either eat his hand or yell at it in excitement.
3. He has discovered peek-a-boo and thinks its the greatest, next to his feet, which he also loves to play with and try to eat!
4. I shouldn't write this, I may jinx it, but the last week he has slept better. We actually moved his pack and play into our closet and he has slept good, I'm wondering if it was partly that he is a light sleeper and his dad's snoring woke him up (Jeff can sound like a fog horn sometimes).
5. He is pretty much on a two nap a day schedule and is very dependent on his binkie for those naps. Rilynn and Cooper's naps don't match up at all-he naps in the morning and late afternoon, she naps early afternoon...I guess it keeps me "unbored."
6. He tried apple juice for the first time and LOVED it. He hasn't really tried anything he hasn't liked, but he's only had veggies to eat.
7. He is a steam roller! He rolls everywhere and in no time flat. This week he just started trying to pull his legs up under him into a crawling position.
8. He loves his siblings and lights up at the very sight of them.
9. I keep thinking he's gonna change more, but he is still a miniature Paxton-it is even starting to look like his hair maybe curly.
10. He's a back archer...he does this constantly! If he wants to turn, if he's mad, if he's playing, if you try and put him into his car seat.
11. He jibbers and jabbers a lot, but only says Dada.
12. The little guy is such a cuttle bug and gives the best hugs ever. He also has the sweetest smile and will share it with anyone willing to look his way.
Brianne-Thanks for saying hi to us today at church! Cooper is super cute! It was great to see you! We have a blog, too...
Bree, I love that little Coop sleeps in your closet. That just sounds so funny! But I'm so happy for you that he's sleeping better. And congrats on scoring in your soccer game. That's so "athletic" of you!!!!!
THis is Shellee Stevenson younkin. i was so excited to see that you wrote on my blog. Blogs are fun to find people. I can't believe you have 4 kids. I was surprised. My dad told me he saw you and I asked if you had any kids with you and he said you had a new baby and another kid so I figured you had at least three kids. Your family is so cute. I am just adjusting to having 2 kids and it is going pretty smoothly so far. Let's keep in touch. Shellee
Hey Lady, thanks for leaving a comment on the blog! Your family is adorable. And your kids looks just like you. So, so cute!!! It sounds like you guys are doing well and you are one busy mom with four kids! That's awesome! I am about to have my third and I am ready to go...the last couple weeks are not my favorite :) Anyway, take care and hopefully it's ok if I check back in on your blog again!
Love the superman suit! How cute. I didn't realize our babies are only about 1 1/2 months apart. Fun! He's such a cutie. Love this age!
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