Sunday, March 8, 2009

Love this chick

Our little Rilynn just turned 2 1/2. She is so fun and all girl! She LOVES new clothes, fingernails being painted, new earrings, and oh boy...nothing beats a new pair of shoes! (Have I taught her good or what?) She is a great talker and talks all the time-no really, ALL THE TIME! She never shuts up. I guess it's just born in us girls huh?! She talks in full sentences and pretty much says everything like anyone else, but of course does have some of her own unique things. Some of our favorites are
instead of saying she forgot she says she "gotfor",

she only calls Cooper "Cooper Boy,"

if you ask her if she wants something she say "uh, sure,"

I make her go to the bathroom right before she goes down for a nap; so just to protect herself from that dreaded nap, anytime I take her to the bathroom after about 10:00am she tell me, "I don't want to go nap time!"

She loves her baby dolls and copies everything I do with Cooper with her dolls. Every day after I feed Cooper baby food she goes and gets her baby, tea cup, spoon, and feeds her dolly. She even cleans the baby's face off with the spoon after each bite. She burps, rocks, bounces and changes her babies diapers-she has wasted a bizzillion wipes cleaning up fake poop and pee.

The emotions have already started (I thought we had 11 years until that started). If you look at her wrong the water works can be turned on like its a switch.

Books; She will accept Mom and Dad, but if Grandma Sharon, Uncle Evan, or Aunt Jenae come in the door she will run to the book closet, pick 3-10 books, and climb up on their laps. She would read from sun up to sun down if only an adult would cooperate.

She just found her first favorite movie-actually two movies, "Lion King" and "Mama Mia"

I wanted a girl SOOOO bad and I have enjoyed every bit of it! The other day my Grandma said, "You two have such a great relationship, I can tell you will always be close." I hope she is right, that is truly my biggest dream.

I love this little chick!


Erin said...

How stinking cute is she...? She's always been so cute, and I think she's improving by the day!
PS: I usually have my computer muted, but tonight my sound was on and I was greeted by a little Jordan Knight. Nice. :)

pinon family said...

She looks exactly like you in that last picture! Adorable. Did you see the link to Kristi Ropers blog on mine (her last name is Wright) she just had a little boy. I love keeping in touch with you all.

The Barney's said...

I have been out of blogging for too long. You have some great posts. I love your adorable background. It fits Rilynn perfect!! She's not even my child and she makes me smile everytime I see her. Her talking reminds me so much of Katelyn at that age (just wish Tyson was a bit more like that but hey, free preschool right!!!).

Liz said...

She is stinkin' cute! In fact, all your kids are, but I guess that's to be expected when they've got such a cute mom! I'm glad we finally connected in this blogosphere! If I don't see ya tomorow at playgroup, I hope you have a super fun trip this weekend!

Ty n Casey's Mom said...

Oh, to have a little girl! What cute pictures of Ry. I love that chick too! She's such a mini me of you. And I love that you have Bon Jovi on your playlist! You rock, girlfriend.

Erik & Marcie +3 said...

She is such a cutie!!

BYU Chica 22 said...

she is so dang cute! I want a little girl so bad. i miss kids at the dorms haha