Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by moments that take our breath away.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Brianne's BIG bandage
I told Rilynn my head hurt (I had a really bad headache) and she suddenly disappeared. She comes back a few seconds later and says, "Mom I got a band aid for you." She peels the back off and says, "It's will make your head better." It wasn't exactly a band aid
If you can't tell, it's a pantyliner. That pantyliner makes my nose look huge, good thing the story is cute.
Jeff and I have been married 12 years and live in Northern CA. Jeff is the best dad and a super hard worker not to mention a pretty great husband. I have the greatest job in the world, I get to stay at home with our four busy kids. Evan, 10, is our loving little peace maker,Paxton, 7, is our mischivious little tease that always makes us laugh, Rilynn, 4, is our sweet little princess, and Cooper, 3, is hyperness, craziness, and stinkerness all rolled into one little 3 year old boy. I love coupon shopping and clothes shopping, scrapbooking, Diet Coke, and playing games namely Catan and Nerts.
Aug. 19, 2011 Rilynn says, "I thought I was going to be 5 on my birthday!?" I said, "You are 5 today!" Rilynn says, "But then why is Chrissy still taller than me?"
July 2011 If you ask Rilynn what her middle name is, she says, "Rilynn Reed." Can you tell who gets in trouble the most?-that is actually Paxton's middle name.
May 27, Rilynn gives me a real flower for my hair and after I put it in, she tells Jeff "Mom has a flower in her hair that looks like a hack-a-lugie."
May 20, 2011 Jeff tells the kids, "Don't talk to strangers, don't playin the road, & don’t smoke cigarettes." Rilynn asks, "What’s a smigerette?"
March 2010 Cooper is saying family prayers and sees Rilynn (who he calls Yah Yah) with her eyes open. He stops his prayer and yells, "Yah Yah, go night night!"
Jan 15, 2011 Eating breakfast Jeff asks, "Pattie, or Link?" Paxton says," Why did you name them?" Jeff was asking what kind of sausage he wanted.
Aug.2010, Rilynn asks her teacher, "Why does your dad have that mustache?" It was actually her husband.
June 2010, We are looking at miniture horses and Evan says, "Oh, so this is what midgets ride."
May 2010, We gave a homeless man some food and we were explaining the whole homeless situation to Evan. Evan says, "We should invite him to stay the night at our house for a while!"
May 2010 Rilynn is sitting next to Jeff pestering him to do something. Jeff jokeingly says, "I will in a minute Rilynn, get off my back!" Rilynn says, "I'm not on your back...I'm on your chair!"
April 2010 At Paxton's school they did getting to know you papers, they had to fill in the blanks; it said My a candy store worker.
April 2010 Jeff is changing his shirt for his soccer game and Rilynn, says, "I don't like your boobs."
March 10, 10 We are talking about owning farm animals and Paxton says, "I know why Dad wouldn't want a cow...because he doesn't want to squeeze it's tenders to get the milk out."
Jan 22,10 At the store and Rilynn sees cash register receipt rolls and says, "Look at this cute little toilet paper!"
Jan 2010, Rilynn currently calls the movie theater "the alligator" and she calls an umbrella a "gorrila"
Jan 20, 10 We are talking about the 10 commandments and I ask if they know what "Thou shalt not covet" means. Paxton says, "It means don't cut in lines." Then to "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord they God in vain" Paxton says, "But we have to say it in the pledge of allegiance!"
Dec 4 09, I'm threatening Rilynn that if she doesn't take care of her toys, I will get rid of them. To this she says, "Well if you do that, you can't go to Paris!"
Nov 10, 09 Paxton is using his hands at dinner, completely ignoring the silverware placed before him and says, "But mom, did you know when the Indians were alive they always used their hands. And they only used one plate and all shared, that's gross!"
Nov 8, 09 Evan says to me, "I want to start fasting every Sunday." I said, "But Evan we only have to fast one Sunday a month." He says, "I know, but I want to be the prophet someday!"
Nov 1, 09 While listening to "Lay Your Hands on Me" by Bon Jovi, Evan asks, "Is he talking about lay your hands on me, like the priesthood?" holding his hands like during a priesthood blessing.
Oct 28, 09 Rilynn says, "Look Mom, it's a blue chicken!" It was actually a peacock.
Oct 17, 09 We were asking the boys where they want to go on their missions. Evan said, "Texas, so I can see an alligator-gar, or Boise."
Oct 15, 09 Rilynn noticing she had a bumpy rash says, "Mom, I have polka dots!"
Sept 28, 09 In family prayer Evan says, "And please bless you will destroy all the drugs and bad things in the world."
Sept 27, 09 Cooper's toes are pushed up against the bench at church and are all white. Paxton says, "His toes look like little cheetos."
Sept 26, 09 Evan, "Can we make a Mii that looks like Jesus?"
Sept 23, 09 Evan is teasing Rilynn and telling her she is a big boy, she says, "I'm not a big boy! I am a big girl boy!"
Sept 9, 09 We were reading about a fire station built in 1891, and Evan says, "I think that's when my mom was born."
Sept 8,09 Paxton asks, "If I get hot lunch at school, is my milk hot too?"
Aug 26, 09 We meet a lady while at the lake and she asks the boys how old they are. When Evan says he's 8, Paxton says, "And he got baptized!"
Aug 21, 09 Rilynn, "I see the lake!" Me, "yep there it is." Rilynn, "It wants me to come there!"
June 18, 09 To the tune "I am a Child of God" Rilynn sings, "Teach me all that I must do, to live with Grandma Sharon someday."
June 6, 2009 We have to walk through a casino to get to the restraunt and Evan gets all excited and says, "I didn't know they had video games here!"
June 1, 2009 I tell Paxton, "I'm losing my marbles!" He asks, "What marbles?"
May 21, 09 Rilynn asks Paxton for a piece of his gum. Paxton says, "You can only have this if you'll be nice and NEVER be mean again, and NEVER hit anyone, and NEVER bite Tyson, and you can't be grumpy ever again or you can never have another piece!" She says, "Okay." I think it was a whole 2 minutes before they fought again.
May 21, 09 Paxton pulls a tampon out of my purse and asks, "Is there gum in this?"
May 2, 2009 Getting ready to go to Evan's baptisim he asks, "Mom do you think I should take my googles?"
May 2, 2009 Evan asks Jeff, "If there are a lot of people getting baptized, can I go last so I can swim around after?"
April 09 I ask Evan, "Will you take me on a date?" He laughs and says, "NO! You're too old!"
April 09 Paxton asks, "How did Jesus get a baby in your tummy?" I say, "Mommy's have special eggs in them that grow into babies." Paxton says, "Eggs?! That's CRAZY! Will the eggs I eat turn into babies?"
April 09 While shopping at Pauls Rilynn has her own mini cart and is struggling to put a gallon of milk in it. I say, "Rilynn do you want me to help you with that milk? It is heavy." She says, "Yah put it in my freakin cart!"-oops that is totally from my vocab!
April 09 Evan and I are talking about Paxton's birthday and the presents he was getting. I said, "Evan, I don't want you to be jelous of your brother I want you to be happy for him when he gets a present." Evan says, "Well, I didn't want to be jelous either, that's why I had to make sure he wasn't getting more presents than me!"
March 09 I'm telling Paxton we're moving and Tyson and Logan are going to move into his room he says, "I don't want anyone to fart in my bed!"
March 09 Rilynn, "Dad you have your face on." She was noticing his gotee was growing back.
Feb 09 Rilynn says she needs to go pee, I say okay let's go. She runs down the hall, grabs herself and says, "Oh, my tenders!" This happens almost every day-thanks Kung Fu Panda
Feb 09 Evan is so excited about going into scouts and asks Jeff, "Dad what was the first thing you did in scout?" Jeff says, "I got my wolf and my bear." Evan's eyes pop out,"You shot them?!"
Feb 09 Jeff is leaving for a church meeting and Rilynn says,"Dad you forgot your scripture powers." (scriputres)
Feb 09 I showed Paxton the nerve twitching on my arm and he says, "It must be because all your fat."
Feb 09 While hiking I tell Rilynn, "Hold my hand okay." She says, "No, I hold myself okay."
Feb 09 Rilynn is pestering to color, I say, "Rilynn just a second...chill out." My 2 year old says with total attitude, "Okay I will chill out!"
Feb 09 Mom, "Look at my owie from soccer." Rilynn JUMPS off the couch, "Mom, you need me get you medicine?"
Feb 09 Paxton randomly says to Jeff, "Dad your a lousy tipper."
Jan 09 Rilynn is playing with paperclips and says to me, "Don't touch Mom, it is very dangerous."
Jan 09 Ev asks where we got the book "Chocolate Fever" (we are reading it together) and I tell him it was mine from when I was his age. Evan says, "Oh, I guess it's VERY OLD then!"
Jan 2009 We were talking about Grandma Anderson (who doesn't have any teeth left) Paxton says, "She has red teeth!"
Jan 2009 Evan and Tyler are talking about different places to vaction and Evan says, "I never want to go to Egypt, because I don't want to be a slave or a mummy."
Jan 2009 shopping at Target Rilynn is itching to go, so she says, "Come on Mom, I leaving you."
Jan 2009 when asked what Paxton wants for lunch he says, "I want a hamburger with no ham, just a burger."
Jan 2009 Paxton discovered he loved cucumbers and ranch at dinner. The next day he got pickles and alfredo sauce out of the fridge and said, "I want more of what we had last night!"
spring 2006 at preschool Evan says to his class mates, "Whoever loves Jesus raise you hand!" His friend Ryan didn't raise his hand, so Evan says, "Ryan don't you love Jesus?"
Thanks for the good laugh this morning. You made my day.
When I first read your title, I was worried, until I saw the picture! That was really funny! And your nose doesn't look big!
That is priceless! I'm glad you're not hurt -- I thought you had a boo-boo when I first saw your post.
Oh man, that is HILARIOUS!!! What a smart girl. lol
OK that is just halarious. What a smart girl!!! I sure miss her (so does Tyson :(
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