Booper (as Rilynn says) has been 5 months for a little bit, but this is the only journaling I do ( I know I'm horrible), so I still wanted to journal on his 4th month. He is such a happy guy and lights up at anyone just even saying hello. He started rolling over...from his brothers and sister's reaction you'd think he's magic. They love to lay him on his tummy, sit around him, and wait for him to roll. When he rolls the "audience" all start laughing hysterically and cheer for him. This baby loves to suck his thumb and has become quite the little chubster, his thighs each have about 4 rolls. Cooper thinks he can sit up by himself and is always pulling himself forward, but then tends to kiss the floor. We love every chubby inch of him, but he is still a little stinker at the whole sleeping at night thing (or lack thereof). At least he is cute to look at when I am up with him
3 ti
mes a night.
P.S. on a side note, we just had Rilynn tested and she was negative for Celiac Disease! YEAH!! So she can eat pizza, cookies, cake, bread, crackers, ANYTHING!
It's time for me to come to Boise to squeeze and kiss that baby! He looks delicious!! There's nothing better than a chubby baby. And that's soooo AWESOME for Rilynn. I'm excited for her -- that she can eat whatever!! yeah.
I love the pictures of "Booper"--He is the happiest little love bug!!
I can't believe he is 5 Months! I am in denial. I still think he is 3 months old. He is so dang cute. I don't get to see him enough. I love his chubbers. I could just eat him up. I love him. I am so glad Ry doesn't have to worry about what she eats. That is such a blessing. Seriously though let me watch yours kids some time. I miss them.
Love those rolls! What a cutie!
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