Thursday, November 20, 2008

Don't Blink

So, I'm not sure if I'm just crazy and obsessive, or if other mom's feel this way too (maybe I am just getting old), but sometimes I feel like I don't want to blink because I am going to miss something with my kids. I don't want to go to bed because when I wake up they will be a day older and I feel like they are growing WAY too fast! I want to capture time in a bottle and hold onto it forever. Every time I turn around they've learned something new and gotten bigger. I love being a mom and I love my kids...this is where I've always wanted to be- a stay at home mom, with my little kids, a husband/father that is beyond measure, and I really couldn't ask for more (except time to slow down). I am so thankful we get to be together forever!
I was going through picture and found some funny ones of Rilynn...more moments that remind me I don't want to blink because too soon these days will pass, well---I guess then these pictures will be good for ransom or something!
Love the church shoes with this particular ensemble!

Edward & Bella?

Yes, that is butter she is eating w/ a spoon!
She gets her "fashion sence" from her dad

Shampoo mohawks and Super Chick
This video is when she was potty training, she obviously wasn't scared of the "big trouble" she would be in if she had an accident. Everytime we put on her panties we had this exact conversation and she would always turn her head to the side like this when she said "big trouble."


Ty n Casey's Mom said...

You totally made me cry! I feel that exact same way EVERY DAY. About every 6 months or so I cry myself to sleep (poor Eric, he just loves those nights) as I sob to Eric, "I don't want the boys to get any bigger. They're so cute right now & I don't want them to change." Then 6 months later I'm crying again, "They're even cuter now -- please don't let them change one bit."

jenae waters said...

I love these pictures, and the kids in them. They remind me of those credit card commercials where the last thing on there they say is "priceless" That is what these photos are.

Ty n Casey's Mom said...

To answer your question -- I have a three-column blog (which I don't know how to do on my own, my neighbor helped me do it.) But it just automatically gives me the option to put a picture behind my title. I like it but it doesn't let you adjust the picture size, so your left with a ginormous pic. oh well.