Monday, June 22, 2009

Wonderful One on Father's Day!

Jeff and Tim shared father's day with Cooper's birthday celebration over at Tim and Barbara's (my sister-in-law). Here was the cake. It was supposed to be a lion, my boys said it looked like a flower :(

The balloons, cake mess and presents. He loved the cake and kept trying to share, but no one wanted any. He was more interested in the golf ball and wii remotes then he was in his presents.

Afterwards we sang songs while Tim played the guitar with Paxton and Rilynn's help.

Notice Rilynn's guitar is backwards and Paxton was in "rock star" mode with his shirt unbuttoned. He loved us to sing to him and would dance to it, here is the video. That is Paxton feeding him at the end.

I can't believe my last baby is one! :( He is up to 3 on his tooth count. He pulls himself up on everything and walks along furniture, but not really close to walking otherwise. He is very strong willed and he screams bloody murder when he doesn't get his way. He loves to eat everything and we actually have to hide food from him, or he never quits eating and just gets angry if you don't keep it coming. He sleeps good at night and two good naps a day. We love him to pieces. Happy first birthday Cooper!


Renae said...

Happy Birthday Cooper! I love this boy, he is so addorable. The kids look like they are happy there. We miss you all so much.

jenae waters said...

oh, How I Miss this little guy. I so wish we could of been there to celebrate with you. I am glad you were able to have Barb and Tim there to celebrate with. We miss you guys SO much! Give all the kiddos a big hug and kiss! And Rilynn and Pax are hillarious with there rock show!I am totally a fan.

Cool Waters said...

Happy Birthday Coop! We think you're pretty cute too!

Carley said...

Happy Birthday Cooper! Man, I can't believe he is a year! I always knew your family would start a rock band. You guys are like the Partridge Family!!

Liz said...

Happy Birthday, Cooper! I can barely remember him last year, ok, so we just moved in, but man, the time has gone fast! We sure miss you guys! But it looks like your having fun!

The Barney's said...

Well I finally made it to your blog!! I want to see pictures of your lake, house, and neighborhood. I can't wait to visit it sometime. Happy Birthday to little Cooper Boy!!! We miss you all so much. Logan said the other day, "I already forgot what Rilynn looks like" and it made me so sad. How is Paxtons little face healing from his face meets driveway incident? Sounds like something my boys would do!! I am so glad your mom will be there (or is). Oh and the lion cake/cupcakes is so cute. What a great idea and such cute pictures of little Cooper. I just want to grab his little cheeks. Let me know when you post neighborhood picts!! Love and miss you!!

Ty n Casey's Mom said...

What an adorable cake Brianne! You are very talented -- don't think I could something like that. How's Cali?? I'm so glad you have a blog to keep us posted on your new life.