Saturday, November 1, 2008

Cooper is 4 months

Okay, I know this is late, but when you are a little unorganized, have 4 kids, and a holiday; something is bound to be late. We went to his 4 month check up and he weighs 17 1/2lbs, putting him at 90% for ht, wt, and head-I guess if his head is going to be big at least it is proportionate:)! He has the cutest chubby thighs in the whole world (I wish my chubby thighs were considered cute). He is starting to try to sit up and plays with toys. He also loves to goo and especially if you'll goo back. He is so patient with his brothers and sister who are constantly in his grill and trying to hold him. October was a naughty sleep month-he was waking up about 3 times a night, but the last 3 days has only been once a night so we'll keep our fingers crossed. Our 4 month photo shoot was cut a little shorter than planned, it must have been a bit exhausting.


Ty n Casey's Mom said...

The picture of Cooper holding is teddy bear is the cutest thing ever! Now I'm even more baby hungry than before -- is that even possible?? I love reading your blog -- you crack me up! (By the way, I wish my chubby gut looked cute too.) How was Halloween?

Erik & Marcie +3 said...

WHat a cutie! THanks for your nice comment. Isn't this blogging fun? It's nice to keep in touch with old friends.