Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My little skunk

So, you know since about 18 months Paxton has been a little skunk! I have had many people say he has gotten so much that I say, no-he has just evolved, gotten smarter (aka sneakier). Take this picture for example.
Now I know you can't really see what's going on, but what you can't see is Paxton with the dog chain in one hand and his sister's belt loop in his other, and he is trying to connect the two. That's right, he is trying to chain up his sister. She was cooperative at first, but once she realized what was going on, she naturally began to resist. So to this, Paxton grabs her shirt and continues to try to chain her up. Don't worry, I am not a horrible mom, I didn't let him finish his goal,I quickly grabbed the camera took a couple picts, then I hurried and put on a straight face, went to the back door, and informed Paxton that it was not appropriate to chain his sister up with Skeeter's dog chain. He is still a skunk, but boy, do I LOVE that skunk!


jenae waters said...

That is funny. Luckily Rilynn is so tolerable at least for a moment. That Paxton cracks me up. I love that kid.

Ty n Casey's Mom said...

He may be naughty but boy can he get away with it! One look at that beautiful curly hair and devilish smiles -- complete with dimples -- and you just can't stay mad. Love Paxter!! I don't think we're coming out for TG -- Eric has to work. Hopefully things will change and we can come.

The Barney's said...

He is a smarty!! I feel bad about today. I didnt mean to dump him off on you at church. I saw that your hands were full like me but I thought if you just told him to stop kicking, he would listen to you. I didn't mean to frusterate you more or get him in trouble. Sorry!! But congrats again on the thing you have been waiting 2 months for!!